Sunday, November 30, 2008

Having a Man Does Not Define Who We Are

It is very critical for women to know their worth. Some women are content just to be in a relationship even if they are not happy, just for the sake of saying they have a man.
Having a man does not define who we are, we are just as intelligent and beautiful being single. Please do not settle for any man or remain in a relationship where you are clearly not happy.
We need to have a loving and positive relationship with ourselves before we can have it with a man. Having self worth and self love will save us so much unnecessary heartache. When we are content at being by ourselves, enjoying it and finding fullfillment with our own company. We will have that confidence and natural air about ourselves that will attract positive and great men. Men love confident and self assured women.
Once we have that we will radiate that and the negative men who cross our paths will sense that and keep walking.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
